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Turning Impending Failure into Success

At the end of February we launched a crowd funding exercise with the aim of pre-selling tickets. We did this for a few reasons. 1). To help us announce and spread the word of what we're embarking on 2). To generate ticket sales revenue to help us raise our venue deposit and capital to kit out our venue 3). To understand if we had an audience for our project.

We read a lot of blogs on how to crowd fund, what makes a great crowd funding campaign. We made a video that we thought was strong in combining a bit of slap stick comedy with our call to action. We all sent it to our friends and family both via social media and through emails, text messages and actually showing my mum on my laptop. Two weeks in, not even my Mum has bought a ticket! Our impending crowd funding looks set to fail on the level of raising capital. Does this mean our show is going to flop. I hope not! I think it shows that maybe our messaging isn't clear, maybe people want a more specific ability to select their own date and time (our ticketing platform isn't set up just yet so not available until April), maybe February is too soon to book something in May, maybe we read the wrong 'How to make a successful crowd funding campaign' blogs.... whatever the reason we have to be flexible, adaptable, creative and proactive in moving forward with how we market our show. I feel we have established that we have an audience, we have created awareness and we receive daily positive comments on what we're creating. We're working harder on spreading the word and our audience is growing.

We have invested a lot of time, energy and our savings so far in this project . We will create an incredible experience and know from working with this set and together as a team previously that as soon as we open our doors and people set foot onboard that so long as we stay focused on what we do best - creating fun, entertaining, ever lasting experiences then the word will spread.

I also know that my Mum will be there, she's not bought a ticket as yet as she knows she will go, she just has to wait until the time is right!

So everyone... let this impending failure be a lesson to all. Don't pin your hopes and dreams on one thing, enjoy the journey, always have multiple plans & ideas, always have a contingency and always remember, embrace failure as it gives us some of our best life lessons....we're still alive, life is good and indeed the show must go on. We move forward with a focused spring in our step and a smile on our faces. We know what we are doing and it excites us all to our very bones of what we will bring to you May 23rd.

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